
How long does heel pain last for?

How long does heel pain last for?

Have you been suffering from heel pain? 

Does heel pain stop you being active and doing the things you love? 

Heel pain can be fixed in a matter of weeks or even a month if it’s treated correctly. The key to treating heel pain and plantar fasciitis is that you need to address the underlying cause.

The difficulty is that a lot of people say “I’ve had heel pain for years” or “I have had heel pain for a number of months” and the reality is that it hasn’t been treated effectively or successfully. If you don’t address the underlying cause of heel pain then your heel pain will go for months or years.

Causes of Heel Pain

Heel pain is caused by two things.

Tight Muscles

  1. Heel pain is caused by tight muscles, in this case, tight calf muscles. The reason it’s contributed to by tight calf muscles is because your calf muscle comes down and attaches into the plantar fascia attachment at your heel and it can cause tension and micro tears through the plantar fascia as a result of muscle tightness. You can get muscle tightness from a whole range of things whether it be running, walking and sitting because it tightens up the backs of your legs, and as a result it will contribute to the level of tension through your plantar fascia and heel pain.

Foot and Ankle Misalignment

  1. The other major contributing factor is the way you stand or walk. The way you stand and the way you walk is affected by the level of alignment within your foot and ankle. At Alternative Foot Solutions we work on correcting the level of alignment through the foot and ankle so we address the underlying cause. We find the key to treating heel pain and plantar fasciitis effectively is addressing the level of misalignment within your foot and ankle so we fix the problem long term. So the great news is that we can effectively treat your heel pain without having to wear orthotics, without having to be restricted to lace up or nana shoes, without having to change your activity or lifestyle and we can fix the cause of your heel pain forever.

How do we treat heel pain?

We assess the problem, we diagnose the issue and underlying cause, then we send off for further examinations if it’s needed and then we come up with a plan that fixes the pain long term so that you can keep doing the things that you love.

The problem is that if you don’t treat the underlying cause it just gets worse, you may not be able to heal the area, you may be restricted to wearing shoes that you don’t really want to wear, like lace up and nana shoes and the huge strength of what we can do is address the underlying cause, get you free from pain and wear the shoes that you love.

Benefits of our treatment

  • Don’t have to change activity, can keep doing the things you love
  • We address the underlying cause of your pain by realigning your foot long term
  • We strengthen the muscles of your foot and ankle
  • Don’t have to wear orthotics
  • Keep wearing the shoes you love

Initial Assessment Special Offer

If you want to fix the cause of your heel pain forever, what we would do is we strongly suggest that you book an assessment. For a limited time, it’s 65% off an initial assessment, it’s just $35.

To book your discounted assessment call our Manly Vale clinic on (02) 8966 9300 or book an appointment online.

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Only $35* Usually $100

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