Types of Heel Pain
Plantar Fasciitis is the most common and well-known cause of heel pain. This condition occurs when the plantar fascia, a ligament in your foot, gets micro tears around its attachment point at the base of the heel that bleed and become inflamed. Plantar pain is commonly felt in the morning, after weight bearing activity and after periods of rest or inactivity. If left unchecked the micro tears in the plantar fascia can lead to bigger tears which are much harder to address.
Fat Pad Syndrome or Fat Pad Inflammation
Beneath the heel bone lies a fat pad. The purpose of this pad is to provide cushioning when the heel strikes the ground. A range of factors that cause heavy loading to the heel can lead to inflammation of the fat pad. This condition can be very painful, presenting as a feeling of bruising at the heel.
Stress reaction of the heel bone
A stress reaction occurs when there is repetitive strain pulling on the heel bone from the point where the plantar fascia attaches. This often occurs as a secondary complication and is one of the reasons heel pain should be treated early.
Nerve Entrapment
Your foot contains a nerve, running down the inside of the heel near the plantar fascia. This nerve can become trapped, causing inflammation that presents as a shooting pain that radiates down the foot.